Universitat Rovira i Virgili



  • C. A. Mesa; F. A. Garcés-Pineda; M. García-Tecedor; J. Yu; B. Khezri; S. Plana-Ruiz; B. López; R. Iturbe; N. López; S. Gimenez; J. R. Galan-Mascaros
    Experimental evidences of the direct influence of external magnetic fields on the mechanism of the electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction
    APL Energy 2024, 2, 016106, DOI: 10.1063/5.0179761.


  • 63. Lukas Dekanovsky, Yulong Ying, Zdenek Sofer, Bahareh Khezri*.
    Light-driven Mxene-based microrobots: mineralization of BPA to CO2 and H2O, Small Methods 2201547. 2023. DOI: https://doi- org.sabidi.urv.cat/10.1002/smtd.202201547. Impact Factor (IF): 15.367 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 15/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 24/345 (Materials Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 13/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology). Source: Web of Science (WS).


  • 62. Reshmi Das; Wang Xianfeng; Khezri Bahareh; Richard D. Webster; Itoh Masatuki; Shiodera Satomi; Bin Mohamed Mohtar Ahmad Taufiq; Kuwata Mikinori.
    Suspension of Crustal Materials from Wildfire in Indonesia as Revealed by Pb Isotope Analysis. ACS Earth Space Chem. 2023. DOI: 10.1021/ACSEARTHSPACECHEM.2C00270. IF: 3.556 (JCR 2021); 89/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary) (WS). 2022
  • 61. Bahareh Khezri, Katherine Villa.
    Hybrid Photoresponsive/Biocatalytic Micro- and Nanoswimmers. Chemistry- An Asian Journal. 17, e202200596, 2022. DOI: 10.1002/ASIA.202200596. IF: 4.839 (JCR 2021); 67/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary). (WS).
  • 60. Lukáš Děkanovský*; Jalal Azadmanjiri; Martin Havlík; Pal Bhupender; Jiří Šturala; Vlastimil Mazánek; Alena Michalcová; Lunjie Zeng; Eva Olsson; Bahareh Khezri*; Zdeněk Sofer*.
    Universal Capacitance Boost—Smart Surface Nanoengineering by Zwitterionic Molecules for 2D MXene Supercapacitor. Small Methods 2201329. 2022. DOI: 10.1002/SMTD.202201329. (IF): 15.367 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 15/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 24/345 (Materials Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 13/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology). Citations: 1 (WS).
  • 59. Lukáš Děkanovský; Jan Plutnar; Jiří Šturala; Jiří Brus; Jiří Kosina; Jalal Azadmanjiri; David Sedmidubský; Zdeněk Sofer, Bahareh Khezri*.
    Multifunctional Photoelectroactive Platform for CO2 Reduction toward C2+ Products─Programmable Selectivity with a Bioinspired Polymer Coating. ACS Catalysis. 12 - 2, 1558 – 1571, 2022. DOI: 10.1021/ACSCATAL.1C03629. IF: 13.700 (JCR 2021); 1st Quartile 19/165 (Chemistry, Physical). Citations: 5 (WS).
  • 58. Jinhua Li; Lukas Dekanovsky; Bahareh Khezri; Bing Wu; Huaijuan Zhou; Zdenek Sofer.
    Biohybrid Micro- and Nanorobots for Intelligent Drug Delivery. Cyborg and Bionic Systems 9824057, 2022. DOI: 10.34133/2022/9824057. Open Acces (OA) Citations: 8 (WS).
  • 57. Jalal Azadmanjiri; Thuniki Naveen Reddy; Bahareh Khezri; Lukáš Děkanovský; Abhilash Karuthedath Parameswaran; Bhupender Pal; Saeed Ashtiani; Shuangying Wei.
    Prospective advances in MXene inks: screen printable sediments for flexible micro-supercapacitor applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10, 4533 – 4557, 2022. DOI: 10.1039/D1TA09334G. IF: 14.511 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 9/119 (Energy & Fuels); 1st Decile 26/345 (Materials Science, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 11 (WS).
  • 56. Lukáš Děkanovský; Jinhua Li; Huaijuan Zhou; Zdenek Sofer Bahareh Khezri*
    Nano/Microrobots Line Up for Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases: Targeted Delivery, Therapy, and Prevention. Energies. 15, 2, 426, 2022. DOI: 10.3390/EN15020426 (OA). IF: 3.252 (JCR 2021); 80/119 (Energy & Fuels); Citations: 4 (WS).


  • 55. Huaijuan Zhou; Bing Wu; Lukas Dekanovsky; Shuangying Wei; Bahareh Khezri; Tomas Hartman; Jinhua Li; Zdenek Sofer.
    Integration of BiOI nanosheets into bubble-propelled micromotors for efficient water purification. FlatChem. 30, 2452 – 2627, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/J.FLATC.2021.100294 (OA). IF: 5.829 (JCR 2021); 59/165 (Chemistry, Physical); Citations: 6 (WS).
  • 54. Bahareh Khezri; Yulong Ying; Jiri Kosina; Martin Pumera.
    Reconstructed Bismuth-Based Metal−Organic Framework Nanofibers for Selective CO2-to-Formate Conversion: Morphology Engineering. ChemSusChem. 14, 3402, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/CSSC.202101122. IF: 9.140 (JCR 2021); 1st Quartile 11/47 (Green & Suistainable Science & Technology); 1st Quartile 30/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary). Citations: 8 (WS).
  • 53. Yaroslav S. Kochergin; Seyyed Mohsen Beladi-Mousavi; Bahareh Khezri; Pengbo Lyu; Michael J. Bojdys; Martin Pumera.
    Organic photoelectrode engineering: accelerating photocurrent generation via donor–acceptor interactions and surface-assisted synthetic approach. Journal of Material Chemistry A. 9, 7162 – 7171, 2021. DOI: 10.1039/D0TA11820F. IF: 14.511 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 9/119 (Energy & Fuels); 1st Decile 26/345 (Materials Science, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 6 (WS).


  • 52. Lukas Dekanovsky; Bahareh Khezri*; Zdeňka Rottnerova; Filip Novotny; Jan Plutnar; Martin Pumera. Chemically programmable microrobots weaving a web from hormones. Nature Machine Intelligence. 2 - 11, 711 - 718, 2020. DOI: 10.1038/S42256-020-00248-0. IF:25.898 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 2/156 (Computer Science, interdisciplinary applications); 1st Decile 2/156 (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence). Citations: 29 (WS).
  • 51. Bahareh Khezri; Katherine Villa; Filip Novotný; Zdeněk Sofer; Martin Pumera. Smartdust 3D‐Printed Graphene‐ Based Al/Ga Robots for Photocatalytic Degradation of Explosives. Small. 16, 2002111. 2020. DOI: 10.1002/SMLL.202002111. IF:13.281 (JCR 2020); 1st Decile 14/162 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 11/160 (Physics, Applied); 1st Decile 25/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 11 (WS).
  • 50. Bahareh Khezri; Filip Novotný; James Guo Sheng Moo; Muhammad Zafir Mohamad Nasir; Martin Pumera. Confined Bubble‐Propelled Microswimmers in Capillaries: Wall Effect, Fuel Deprivation, and Exhaust Product Excess. Small 16, 2000413, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/SMLL.202000413. 2020. IF:15.153 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 18/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 17/165 (Chemistry, Physical); Citations: 5 (WS).
  • 49. Seyyed Mohsen Beladi-Mousavi; Jonas Klein; Bahareh Khezri; Lorenz Walder. Active Anion Delivery by Self- Propelled Microswimmers. ACS Nano. 14 - 3, 3434 – 3441, 2020. DOI: 10.1021/ACSNANO.9B09525. IF:18.027 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 12/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 13/1179 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 23 (WS).


  • 48. Seyyed Mohsen Beladi-Mousavi; Bahareh Khezri, Ludmila Krejčová; Zbyněk Heger; Zdeněk Sofer; Adrian C. Fisher; Martin Pumera. Recoverable Bismuth-Based Microrobots: Capture, Transport, and On-Demand Release of Heavy Metals and an Anticancer Drug in Confined Spaces. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 11, 14, 13359 – 13369, 2019. DOI: 10.1021/ACSAMI.8B19408. IF:10.383 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 23/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); 1st Decile 49/345 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 28 (WS).
  • 47. Bahareh Khezri; Martin Pumera. Metal–Organic Frameworks Based Nano/Micro/Millimeter‐Sized Self‐ Propelled Autonomous Machines. Advanced Materials 31, 1806530, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/ADMA.201806530. IF:32.086 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 5/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 4/165 (Chemistry, Physics); 1st Decile 8/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 3/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 38 (WS).
  • 46. Tijana Maric; Seyyed Mohsen Beladi‐Mousavi; Bahareh Khezri; Jiri Sturala; Muhammad Zafir Mohamad Nasir; Richard D. Webster; Martin Pumera. Functional 2D Germanene Fluorescent Coating of Microrobots for Micromachines Multiplexing. Small 2019. DOI: 10.1002/SMLL.202000413. IF:15.153 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 18/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 17/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 25/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 14/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 24 (WS).
  • 45. Seyyed Mohsen Beladi‐Mousavi; Bahareh Khezri; Stanislava Matějková; Zdeněk Sofer; Martin Pumera. Supercapacitors in Motion: Autonomous Microswimmers for Natural‐Resource Recovery. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 131, 38, 13474 – 13478, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/ANIE.201906642. IF:16.823 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 15/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 13 (WS).
  • 44. Bahareh Khezri; Seyyed Mohsen Beladi Mousavi; Zdeněk Sofer; Martin Pumera. Recyclable nanographene- based micromachines for the on-the-fly capture of nitroaromatic explosives. Nanoscale 11, 18, 8825 – 8834, 2019. DOI: 10.1039/C9NR02211B. IF:8.307 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 37/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 70/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 17 (WS).


  • 43. Bahareh Khezri; Seyyed Mohsen Beladi Mousavi; Ludmila Krejčová; Zbyněk Heger; Zdeněk Sofer; Martin Pumera. Ultrafast electrochemical trigger drug delivery mechanism for nanographene micromachines. Advanced Functional Materials. 29, 1806696, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/ADFM.201806696 IF:19.924 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 10/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 10/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 17/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 8/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 61 (WS).
  • 42. Naziah M. Latiff; Carmen C. Mayorga-Martinez; Bahareh Khezri; Katerina Szokolova; Zdeněk Sofer; Adrian C. Fisher. Cytotoxicity of layered metal phosphorus chalcogenides (MPXY) nanoflakes; FePS3, CoPS3, NiPS3. FlatChem. 12, 1 – 9, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/J.FLATC.2018.11.003. (OA) IF:5.829 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 108/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 59/165 (Chemistry, Physical); Citations: 15 (WS).
  • 41. Tijana Maric; Carmen C. Mayorga‐Martinez; Bahareh Khezri; Muhammad Zafir Mohamad Nasir; Xinyi Chia; Martin Pumera. Nanorobots Constructed from Nanoclay: Using Nature to Create Self‐Propelled Autonomous Nanomachines. Advanced Functional Materials. 28, 1802762, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/ADFM.201802762. IF:19.924 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 10/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 10/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 17/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 8/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 34 (WS).
  • 40. Carmen C. Mayorga-Martinez; Zdeněk Sofer; David Sedmidubský; Jan Luxa; Bahareh Kherzi; Martin Pumera. Metallic impurities in black phosphorus nanoflakes prepared by different synthetic routes. Nanoscale. 10, 1540 – 1546, 2018. DOI10.1039/c7nr05718k. IF:8.307 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 37/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 70/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 2nd Decile 81/165 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); 1st Decile 81/165 (Physics, Applied); Citation: 22 (WS).
  • 39. Tijana Maric; Muhammad Zafir Mohamad Nasir; Yong Wang; Bahareh Khezri; Martin Pumera. Corrosion due to ageing influences the performance of tubular platinum microrobots. Nanoscale 10, 1322 – 1325, 2018. DOI: 10.1039/C7NR05775J. IF:8.307 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 37/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 70/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 2nd Decile 81/165 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); 1st Decile 81/165 (Physics, Applied); Citation: 6 (WS).


  • 38. Chencheng Dai; Libo Sun; Hanbin Liao; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Adrian C. Fisher; Zhichuan J. Xu. Electrochemical production of lactic acid from glycerol oxidation catalyzed by AuPt. Journal of Catalysis 356, 14 – 21, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/J.JCAT.2017.10.010. IF:8.047 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 39/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 18/143 (Engineering, Chemical); Citation: 82 (WS).
  • 37. Maja Budanović; Bahareh Khezri; Sherman J.L. Lauw; Malcolm E. Tessensohn; Richard D. Webster. Tetrathiafulvalene aids in the atomic spectroscopic determination of total mercury. Analytica Chimica Acta 992, 24 - 33, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/J.ACA.2017.08.052. IF:6.911 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 10/87 (Chemistry, Analytical); Citation: 2 (WS).
  • 36. Tijana Maric; James Guo Sheng Moo; Bahareh Khezri; Zdeněk Sofer; Martin Pumera. Black-phosphorus- enhanced bubble-propelled autonomous catalytic microjets. Applied Materials Today 9, 289 – 291, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/J.APMT.2017.08.007. IF:8.663 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 64/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); Citation: 20 (WS).
  • 35. Hong Wang; Michael G. Potroz; Joshua A. Jackman; Bahareh Khezri; Tijana Marić; Nam‐Joon Cho; Martin Pumera. Bioinspired Spiky Micromotors Based on Sporopollenin Exine Capsules. Advanced Functional Materials 27, 1702338, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/ADFM.201702338. IF:19.924 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 10/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 10/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 17/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 8/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 61 (WS).
  • 34. Bahareh Khezri; Adrian C. Fisher; Martin Pumera. CO2 reduction: the quest for electrocatalytic materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 5, 18, 8230 – 8246, 2017. DOI: 10.1039/C6TA09875D. IF:14.511 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 9/119 (Energy&Fuel); 1st Decile 18/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 26/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 176 (WS).
  • 33. James Guo Sheng Moo; Carmen C. Mayorga‐Martinez; Hong Wang; Bahareh Khezri; Wei Zhe Teo; Martin Pumera. Nano/Microrobots Meet Electrochemistry. Advanced Functional Materials. 27, 1604759, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/ADFM.201604759. IF:19.924 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 10/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 10/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 17/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 8/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 59 (WS).


  • 32. Bahareh Khezri; James Guo Sheng Moo; Peng Song; Adrian C. Fisher; Martin Pumera. Detecting the complex motion of self-propelled micromotors in microchannels by electrochemistry. RSC Advances 6, 102, 99977 – 99982, 2016. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA22059B. IF:4.036 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 75/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 11 (WS).
  • 31. Hong Wang; Bahareh Khezri; Martin Pumera. Catalytic DNA-Functionalized Self-Propelled Micromachines for Environmental Remediation. The Chem. 1, 3, 473 – 481, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/J.CHEMPR.2016.08.009. DOI: 10.1016/J.CHEMPR.2016.08.009. IF:25.832 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 6/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 53 (WS).
  • 30. Huey Ting Diong; Reshmi Das; Bahareh Khezri; Bijayen Srivastava; Xianfeng Wang; Pradip K. Sikdar; Richard D. Webster. Anthropogenic platinum group element (Pt, Pd, Rh) concentrations in PM10 and PM2.5 from Kolkata, India. SpringerPlus. 4, 1224, 2016. DOI10.1186/s40064-016-2854-5. IF:1.130 (JCR 2016); 2nd Decile 6/179 (Multidisciplinary Science); Citations: 13 (WS).
  • 29. Chun Kiang Chua; Zdeněk Sofer; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Martin Pumera. Ball-milled sulfur-doped graphene materials contain metallic impurities originating from ball-milling apparatus: their influence on the catalytic properties. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18, 27, 17875 – 17880, 2016. DOI: 10.1039/C6CP03004A. IF:3.945 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 9/36 (Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical); 2nd Decile 81/165 (Chemistry, Physical); Citations: 32 (WS).
  • 28. Bahareh Khezri; Martin Pumera. Self-propelled autonomous nanomotors meet microfluidics. Nanoscale. 8, 40, 17415 – 17421, 2016. DOI10.1039/c6nr06665h. IF:8.307 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 37/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 70/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 2nd Decile 81/165 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); 1st Decile 81/165 (Physics, Applied); Citations: 41 (WS).
  • 27. Zhiyong Lam; Ghayathri Balasundaram; Kien Voon Kong; Bo Yang Chor; Douglas Goh; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Weng Kee Leong; Malini Olivo. High nuclearity carbonyl clusters as near-IR contrast agents for photoacoustic in vivo imaging. Journal of Material Chemistry B. 4, 3886 – 3891, 2016. IF:7.571 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 10/45 (Material Science, Biomaterial); Citations: 6 (WS).
  • 26. Carmen C. Mayorga-Martinez; James Guo Sheng Moo; Bahareh Khezri; Peng Song; Adrian C. Fisher; Zdenek Sofer; Martin Pumera. Self-Propelled Supercapacitors for On-Demand Circuit Configuration Based on WS2 Nanoparticles Micromachines, Advanced Functional Materials 12, 36, 6662-6667, 2016. DOI10.1002/adfm.201601165. IF:19.924 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 10/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 10/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 17/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 8/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 60 (WS).
  • 25. Carmen C. Mayorga‐Martinez; Bahareh Khezri; Alex Yong Sheng Eng; Zdeněk Sofer; Pavel Ulbrich; Martin Pumera. Bipolar Electrochemical Synthesis of WS2 Nanoparticles and Their Application in Magneto‐ Immunosandwich Assay. Advanced Functional Materials 26, 23, 4094 – 4098, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/ADFM.201600961. IF:19.924 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 10/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 10/165 (Chemistry, Physical); 1st Decile 17/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 8/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 34 (WS).
  • 24. Kee Chun Poon; Bahareh Khezri; Yao Li; Richard D. Webster; Haibin Su; Hirotaka Sato. A highly active Pd–P nanoparticle electrocatalyst for enhanced formic acid oxidation synthesized via stepwise electroless deposition. Chemical Communications 52, 17, 3556 – 3559, 2016. DOI: 10.1039/C5CC08669H. IF:19.924 (JCR 2021); 2nd Decile 53/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 41 (WS).
  • 23. Reshmi Das; Xianfeng Wang; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Pradip Kumar Sikdar; Subhajit Datta. Mercury isotopes of atmospheric particle bound mercury for source apportionment study in urban Kolkata, India. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 4, 000098, 2016. DOI: 10.12952/JOURNAL.ELEMENTA.000098. IF: 4.259; Citation: 33 (WS).
  • 22. Tat Thang Vo Doan; Jingbo Wang; Kee Chun Poon; Desmond C. L. Tan; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Hanbin Su; Hiritaka Sato. Theoretical Modelling and Facile Synthesis of a Highly Active Boron-Doped Palladium Catalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55, 25, 6842, 2016. DOI10.1002/anie.201601727. IF:19.924 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 15/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 34 (WS).


  • 21. Reshmi Das; Bahareh Khezri; Bijayen Srivastava; Subhajit Datta; Pradip K. Sikdar; Richard D. Webster; Xianfeng Wang. Trace element composition of PM2.5 and PM10 from Kolkata – a heavily polluted Indian metropolis. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 6, 5, 742 – 750, 2015. DOI: 10.5094/APR.2015.083. IF:4.831 (JCR 2021); 2nd Decile 93/279 (Environmental Science); Citations: 120 (WS).
  • 20. Lu Wang; Chun Kiang Chua; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Martin Pumera. Remarkable electrochemical properties of electrochemically reduced graphene oxide towards oxygen reduction reaction are caused by residual metal-based impurities. Electrochemistry Communications 62, 17 – 20, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/J.ELECOM.2015.10.020. IF:5.443 (JCR 2021); 2nd Decile 93/279 (Electrochemistry); Citations: 28 (WS).
  • 19. Desmond C. L. Tan; Bahareh Khezri; Wannipha Amatyakul; Richard D. Webster; Hirotaka Sato. A facilely synthesized highly active Pd nanoparticle electrocatalyst for electroless deposition process. RSC Advances 5, 108, 88805 – 88808, 2015. DOI: 10.1039/C5RA17151B. IF:5.443 (JCR 2021); 2nd Decile 75/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 8 (WS)
  • 18. Bahareh Khezri; Yayun Chan; Richard D. Webster. Annual air pollution caused by the Hungry Ghost Festival. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 17, 1578 – 1586, 2015. DOI: 10.1039/C5EM00312A. IF:5.334 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 16/87 (Chemistry, Analytical); 2nd Decile 84/279 (Environmental Science); Citations: 22 (WS)
  • 17. Lu Wang; Colin Hong An Wong; Bahareh Kherzi; Richard D. Webster; Martin Pumera. So‐Called “Metal‐Free” Oxygen Reduction at Graphene Nanoribbons is in fact Metal Driven. ChemCatChem. 7, 1650 – 1654, 2015. DOI10.1002/cctc.201500262. IF:5.501 (JCR 2021); 2nd Decile 63/165 (Chemistry, Physics); Citations: 20 (WS).
  • 16. Xi Li; Jing Mu; Fang Liu; Eddy Wei Ping Tan; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Edwin Kok Lee Yeow; Bengang Xing. Human Transport Protein Carrier for Controlled Photoactivation of Antitumor Prodrug and Real-Time Intracellular Tumor Imaging. Bioconjugate Chemistry 26, 5, 955 – 961, 2015. DOI: 10.1021/ACS.BIOCONJCHEM.5B00170. IF:6.069 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 63/165 (Biochemical Research Methods); 1st Decile 75/322 (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology); 1st Decile 51/224 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 12/63 (Chemistry, Physics); Citations: 41 (WS).
  • 15. Gwendeline K. S. Wong; Li Zhen Lim; Marcus Jun Wen Lim; Li Lin Ong; Bahareh Khezri; Martin Pumera; Richard D. Webster. Evaluation of the Sorbent Properties of Single‐ and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Volatile Organic Compounds through Thermal Desorption–Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. ChemPlusChem 80, 1279 – 1287, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/CPLU.201500070. IF:3.210 (JCR 2021); 3rd Decile 94/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 13 (WS).


  • 14. James Guo Sheng Moo; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Martin Pumera. Graphene Oxides Prepared by Hummers’, Hofmann’s, and Staudenmaier’s Methods: Dramatic Influences on Heavy‐Metal‐Ion Adsorption. ChemPhysChem 15, 14, 2922 – 2929, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/CPHC.201402279. IF:3.520 (JCR 2021); 3rd Decile 92/165 (Chemistry, Physics); 2nd Decile 11/36 (Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical); Citations: 13 (WS). (Citation: 58)
  • 13. Jiating He; Weijie Ji; Lin Yao; Yawen Wang; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Hongyu Chen. Strategy for Nano‐Catalysis in a Fixed‐Bed System. Advanced Materials. 26, 4151 – 4155, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/ADMA.201306157. IF:32.086 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 5/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 4/165 (Chemistry, Physics); 1st Decile 8/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 3/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 88 (WS).
  • 12. Shu Min Tan; Adriano Ambrosi; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Martin Pumera. Towards electrochemical purification of chemically reduced graphene oxide from redox accessible impurities. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, 15, 7058 – 7065, 2014. DOI: 10.1039/C4CP00371C. IF:3.945 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 9/36 (Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical); 2nd Decile 81/165 (Chemistry, Physical); Citations: 13 (WS).


  • 11. Guanjia Zhao; Bahareh Khezri; Samuel Sanchez; Oliver G. Schmidt; Richard D. Webster; Martin Pumera. Corrosion of self-propelled catalytic microengines. Chemical Communication 49, 80, 9125 – 9127, 2013. DOI: 10.1039/C3CC44998J. IF:6.065 (JCR 2021); 2nd Decile 53/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 13 (WS).
  • 10. Bahareh Khezri; Huan Mo; Zhen Yan; Shey-Ling Chong; Aik Kian Heng; Richard D. Webster. Simultaneous online monitoring of inorganic compounds in aerosols and gases in an industrialized area. Atmospheric Environment 80, 352 – 360, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/J.ATMOSENV.2013.08.008. IF: 5.755 (JCR 2021); 2nd Decile 76/279 (Wnvironmental Science); 1st Decile 19/94 (Meteorology and Atmospheric Science) Citations: 25 (WS).
  • 9. Guanjia Zhao; Hong Wang; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Martin Pumera. Influence of real-world environments on the motion of catalytic bubble-propelled micromotors. Lab on a Chip 13, 15, 2937 – 2941, 2013. DOI: 10.1039/C3LC50446H. IF:7.517 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 10/99 (Chemistry, Analytical); 1st Decile 7/84 (Biochemical Research Methods); 1st Decile 31/224 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 25/138 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 37 (WS).
  • 8. Colin Hong An Wong; Chun Kiang Chua; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Martin Pumera. Graphene Oxide Nanoribbons from the Oxidative Opening of Carbon Nanotubes Retain Electrochemically Active Metallic Impurities. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52, 33, 8685 – 8688, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/ANIE.201303837. IF:19.924 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 15/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 50 (WS).


  • 7. Adriano Ambrosi; Chun Kiang Chua Chua; Bahareh Khezri; Zdeněk Sofer Sofer; Richard D. Webster. Chemically reduced graphene contains inherent metallic impurities present in parent natural and synthetic graphite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (PNAS). 109, 32, 12899 – 12904, 2012. DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.1205388109. IF:12.779 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 9/74 (Multidisciplinary Sciences); Citations: 173 (WS).
  • 6. Marcella Giovanni; Hwee Ling Poh; Adriano Ambrosi; Guanjia Zhao; Zdeněk Sofer; Filip Šaněk; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Martin Pumera. Noble metal (Pd, Ru, Rh, Pt, Au, Ag) doped graphene hybrids for electrocatalysis. Nanoscale. 4, 16, 5002 – 5008, 2012. DOI: 10.1039/C2NR31077E. IF:8.307 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 37/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); 1st Decile 70/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 2nd Decile 81/165 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); 1st Decile 81/165 (Physics, Applied); Citations: 195 (WS).
  • 5. Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster. Chemical Analysis of PM2.5 during Dry Deforestation Season in Southeast Asia. International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 6, 4, 173 - 183, 2012. DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1057771. Proceeding, Citation: 4.


  • 4. Adriano Ambrosi; Sze Yin Chee; Bahareh Khezri; Richard D. Webster; Zdeněk Sofer; Martin Pumera. Metallic Impurities in Graphenes Prepared from Graphite Can Dramatically Influence Their Properties. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51, 2, 500 – 503, 2011. DOI: 10.1002/ANIE.201106917. IF:19.924 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 15/179 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary); Citations: 150 (WS).
  • 3. Huanping Yang; Jian Jiang; Weiwei Zhou; Linfei Lai; Lifei Xi; Yeng Ming Lam; Zexiang Shen; Bahareh Khezri; Ting Yu. Influences of graphene oxide support on the electrochemical performances of graphene oxide-MnO2 nanocomposites. Nanoscale Research Letters. 6, 531, 2011. DOI: 10.1186/1556-276X-6-531. IF:5.418 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 38/161 (Physics, Applied); 2nd Decile 115/345 (Material Science, Multidisciplinary); 3rd Decile 56/109 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology); Citations: 99 (WS).


  • 2. Mohammad K. Amini; Bahareh Khezri; Alireza Firooz. Development of a highly sensitive and selective optical chemical sensor for batch and flow-through determination of mercury ion. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 131, 2, 470 – 478, 2008. DOI: 10.1016/J.SNB.2007.12.008. IF:9.221 (JCR 2021); 1st Decile 6/87 (Chemistry, Analytical); 1st Decile 5/30 (Electrochemistry); Citations: 46 (WS).
  • 1. Bahareh Khezri; Mohammad K. Amini; Alireza Firooz. An optical chemical sensor for mercury ion based on 2- mercaptopyrimidine in PVC membrane. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 390, 1943 – 1950, 2008. DOI: 10.1007/S00216-008-1906-2. IF:4.478 (JCR 2021); 2nd Decile 25/79 (Biomedical Research Methods); 2nd Decile 22/87 (Chemistry, Analytical); Citations: 25 (WS).

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