Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Group Leader

Iris URV

La Dra. Bahareh Khezri studied chemistry at Isfahan University of Technology and Isfahan University, as a bachelor's degree (1999-2001) and master's (2003-2006) in Iran.

In 2008 he was awarded the prestigious Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA). As a result, he joined Professor Richard D. Webster's distinguished research group at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, for my PhD (2008-2012), where he conducted research on the chemical composition of particles in air (PM2.5 and PM10), aerosols (PM2.5), inorganic trace gases and precipitation in Singapore, which involved close collaboration with the world's leading instrumental chemistry companies Agilent, Waters and Metrohm. After completing her PhD, she was awarded an A*STAR Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012-2014).

In which he made a significant change in his research approach from analytical (instrumental) chemistry to electrochemistry.

In January 2015, she joined the Cambridge Centre for Research and Advanced Education in Singapore (CARES).

This Cambridge Centre research programme served the Carbon Reduction in Chemical Technology (C4T) initiative. He participated in the research of the group "Electrochemical Multi-scale Science, Engineering and Technology (EMSET)" where he led the development of multiscale electroanalytical tools for the investigation of catalytic reactions and the adoption of electrosynthesis as a potential. Source of clean and selective routes for chemical production. he received specialized training in microfluidics and reactor manufacturing at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Prof. Adrain C. Fisher. In November 2017, he moved to the Center for Advanced Functional Nanorobots led by Professor Martin Pumera at the Prague University of Chemistry and Technology (VSCHT), where he gained more experience in 2D materials, synthesis and exfoliation, water division, 3D printing and synthetic micro/s. nanorobots.
In December 2019, she received a research grant from the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and was appointed principal investigator of the Inorganic Department of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague to lead her own research group.After receiving the Beatriu de Pinós scholarship in 2021, in November 2021 she moved to the Catalan Institute of Chemical Research to expand her experience in energy application to the research group of Prof. José Ramon Galan Mascarós where she also learned about polioxometalate as promising.Molecular Catalyst. Dr. Bahareh Khezri joined URV in September 2022 as a Ramon y Cajal researcher.
After successfully securing the ICREA call in 2023, she began her new position as an ICREA Research Professor at URV in January 2024.

Currently, Dra. Bahareh Khezri has a joint appointment as "Ramon y Cajal Researcher" at the URV and "Associate Researcher" at ICIQ.

  • She is the head of the research group "Smart multi-functional Materials for Green Energy and Robotics: SFM-GE&R", which operates at the forefront of nanoscience. SFM-GE&R focuses on the design and development of multifunctional hybrid materials for energy-related applications such as water splitting and CO2 reduction, as well as artificial self-propelled micro/nanorobots for various purposes. The group's research interests are focused on creating functional nanostructured hybrid materials and using them as photo/electrocatalysts for energy applications, and using them as scaffolds to encapsulate, store, react, collect, degrade and deliver molecules of interest. The main contributions of SFM-GE&R lie in the design and development of hybrid functional materials, including 2D doped/functionalized beyond graphene and sustainable materials, which have countless applications in energy, catalysis, environment and life sciences.